
This website gives you a view into the world of feathers. At this moment you can find here feathers of more than 250 different species.

After clicking on a birds name, you'll get an overview of the scanned feathers of "Examples" of that specific species. For each example, information is given about date, origin, location, age/sex and feathers which are showed. When clicking on the type of feathers, a new view is opened and only the specific picture is viewed.

Birdnames in the left-frame are in alfabetic order (scientific names).
The feathers shown to you have been found on different places. The best feathers you I get from fresh dead birds found on roadpavements, but also preys of raptors can give an almost complete view of wing- and tailfeathers. Furthermore moultfeathers are shown and feathers from birds, died on other places.

With many thanks to Floor Arts, Quentin Lemouland, Gert Prins, Tom Tarrant , Bart Veenstra, Hans Remmen, Henk Jan Hof, Guido Verhoef, Ben van As, Juan  Aragonés (member of the Zoology Department. University of Córdoba, his feathercollection has a scientific character) , Berend Voslamber, Wouter van Gestel, Csaba Gulyás-Kis, Dick Veenendaal, Arjan Boele, Albert Hidding, Susana Benito Gil, Ruud Foppen, Pierre Mannaert, Harvey van Diek, Rob Felix, Joost van Bruggen, Guus van Duin, Jouck Idema, Sandy van den Ban, Marc van Roomen, Mateo Grilli, Frans Parmentier, Merijn Salverda.

No copyright but copyleft

I don't claim copyright on this website so if you want to use pictures or whatsoever for whatever you like, go ahead.

It is possible to download the complete website at once and use a website-mirror on your own PC. Advantage of a mirror site:

  • A quicker view of the pages and pictures.
  • You don't have to download pages you've been downloading before.
  • The possibility to copy it for friends or colleague's.
  • The possibility to show "feathers" off-line with laptop-beamer.
  • etcetera.
How to make a mirror? There are lots of programs to find on the internet, but this one is for free:
Go to: and put htttrack on your computer.
Read the manual and download this (or an other) site on your own PC.
When htttracks ask which site to download; use this http:

Good luck with it. 

Michel Klemann


The size of the scan depends on the size of the feather but also the year I made the scan. Small feathers are often scanned with a higher resolution then large feathers. The same with groups of feathers, for example, a set of wingfeathers will often have a lower resolution than a single feather. When I started this site years ago, I had only 5 mB webspace, the Internet very slow and the monitors were small. This has all changed very fast. Therefore the newest pictures are much larger in size than before.


When publishing a book about feathers, you are limited by the size of the picture, the colour of the background, the quantity of material. That's one of the great advantage of the internet, there is no limit anymore. The size and speed of growth of this site depends of the time I put into it and if the amount of material I can get. So there are also no problems with publishers and I don't have "to finish" this site before publishing the material. This site is always and never finished.
Because of the different possibility of size, background etc. the site doesn't look very consequent in lay-out. The reason: with every feather, I try to get the best way of showing it. Some feathers are already stiched on paper; sometimes a black background gives a better result than a white one, sometimes grey is better. Sometimes a high scan-resolution is better, an other time a low resolution.


In the Netherlands, it is not allowed to have a collection of feathers without a license of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. The ministery gave me permission to have a feather-collection for putting it on the internet for educational purposes.


Volgens de Flora- en Faunawet van 25 mei 1998 is het niet toegestaan veren te bezitten of te verzamelen van beschermde vogels. Veren zijn immers onderdelen van vogels en het in het bezit hebben van delen van beschermde vogels is volgens deze wet strafbaar. Om risico's te vermijden heb ik via Laser in Dordrecht een vergunning aangevraagd en gekregen. Ik mag nu dus veren in mijn bezit hebben "met als doel het vervaardigen van beeldmateriaal met behulp van een scanner vervolgens het op deze wijze verkregen beeldmateriaal digitaal op te slaan en te plaatsen op het internet in het belang van de educatie"

Committee Against Bird Slaughter