Common Crossbill

(Loxia curvirostra)

Example 1

Date: 2 nov 1993
Origin: Window collision
Location: Vorden, Gld, NL
Age and sex: Female, first year
Feathers: Rightwingfeathers | Greater coverts | Tailfeathers | Undertail-coverts | Backfeathers | Rumpfeathers

Example 2

Date: 3 nov 1993
Origin: Window collision
Location: Vorden, Gld, NL
Age and sex: Male, adult
Feathers: Rightwingfeathers | Greater coverts | Tailfeathers | Undertail-coverts | Backfeathers

Example 3

Age and sex: Female
Feathers: Rightwingfeathers (primaries & secundaries) | Tailfeathers