Birdmigration Parnassia ( Bloemendaal )
Birdmigration Oostermaet ( Bathmen )
Birdmigration Buytenpark ( Zoetermeer )
Birdmigration Warnsborn ( Arnhem )
Birdmigration Westerwolde ( Ter Apel )
Birdmigration "Oelemars, Losser" ( Twente )
Birdmigration "Oelemars, Losser" ( Twente )
Birdmigration "Redichemse Waard" ( Culemborg )
Yahoo Groups Trektellers - Trektellingen in Nederland
Yahoo Groups Belgischetrektelling - Belgische Trektelling (Kust)
Vogelwerkgroep Zuid-West-Vlaanderen ( Description of countingpoints ZW-Vlaanderen ); migration-prediction and -evaluation
Birdmigration "De Nolle" ( Vlissingen )
Birdmigration Breskens ( Walcheren )
(Sea)birdmigration Westkapelle ( Westkapelle )
Trektelpost Corversbos ( ten westen van Hilversum, Noord-Holland )
Birdmigration "Dijleland" ( Belgium )
Bridger Mountain Birds of Prey.(Sea)birdmigration "La Jetée du Clipon", Dunkerque, Northern France
Scanian Ornithological Society (SkOF-SE) Lots of news about birdmigration Falsterbo Sweden with totals of migrating raptors 1999, 1998 and average 1985-98 Birdmigration Skagen, Denmark with dayly news about birdmigration.
Gibraltar Birds (The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society) Migrationnumbers of raptors, storks and cranes.
OSME Sandgrouse 23(3) Autumn 2001: Autumn routes of migrating raptors and other soaring birds in Lebanon
Gullfjell - Visible Migration Norwegian visible migration
Mezeninvasie in Nederland 1999
Satellite Tracking of Long Point’s Tundra Swans (CA) (CA)
Journey North (US) A global study of wildlife migration
BTO - MigrationWatch (Spring 2002) A project to track the progress of spring migration.
Satellite Trackings of Ospreys from the UK to .....
Bird Migration Ecology (SE) Department of Animal Ecology, Ecology building, University of Lund, Sweden.
European Ringing and Migration Studies (BE)
The Global Register of Migratory Species (GROMS) (DE)
Institut für Vogelforschung "Vogelwarte Helgoland"
Pipit Migration Cheshire, England.
Visible migration at Redmires and Rod Moor Watch-points; Cheffield Bird Study Group, England.
EBN-Mail: Birdmigration in China
Migration of birds Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center:
Lincoln, Frederick, C. and Steven R. Peterson. 1979. Migration
of birds.Circular 16, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Washington, D.C. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
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BIRDS & HUNTING IN MALTA Stop the Annual Massacre of European Migrating Birds
Weerbulletin voor de Kleine Luchtvaart
The Honey Buzzard Movement in Britain in Autumn 2000
Pine Grossbeak-( Pinicola enucleator )-invasion in Sweden 2000
Movements of Bird Populations in North America
in Switserland | Research activities | Bird Migration
Biological Station Rybachy Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, on the Courish Spit (Kurische Nehrung) of the Baltic Sea (Rybachy, Kaliningras Region)
Recent snowmap of Europe and Asia
Ocean Surface Winds ;in detail for the Atlantic: