Heilige Ibis, voorkomen buiten Europa en Afrika


Behalve een toename aan waarnemingen in Europa, is er aan de andere kant van de wereld ook het een en ander aan de hand met deze vogel. Het Handbook of Birds of the World Vol 1 1992 noemt onderstaande populaties niet:
Verder bestaat het vermoeden dat wanneer over Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aetiopica) gesproken wordt; soms (misschien) de Australian Ibis Threskiornis molucca (Cuvier 1829). (Zie Australië) bedoeld wordt; het is me in ieder geval niet altijd duidelijk.

Australië en (Nieuw Guinea & Solomon Eilanden):

Onderstaand bericht afkomstig van http://swan.zo.ntu.edu.tw/eissue/eissue6-1.htm

United Arab Emirates:
Onderstaande teksten afkomstig uit de United Arab Emirates; binnengekomen via EBN (EuroBirdNet); een opmerkelijke toename van het aantal waarnemingen en aantal individuen in enkele jaren tijd:

Twitchers' Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 30th november 2000:

Also on the 24th, the Wimpey pits had 13 black-necked grebe, a sacred ibis which circled but didn't land (over the wall from somewhere, no doubt)......
Twitchers' Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending February 23rd 2001:
On 19th February, 2 marsh harriers, a grey heron, a sacred ibis (from the feral population at the Zoo, no doubt),.....
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 8th  November 2002:
At the Wimpey Pits; On 8th November, ..... 2 sacred ibis, ....
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 6th December  2002.
On 3rd December, a presumed escape sacred ibis have also turned up in Dubai at the Emirates golf course.
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 7th March  2003
A visit to the Emirates Golf Course at Jebel Ali on 2nd March,.... the escapee sacred ibis.........
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 14th March  2003
Lots to report this week, with ...... and sacred ibis all over the place in Dubai – some of genuinely wild origin, perhaps?
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 18th April 2003
On 17th April, a sacred ibis were at the Emirates Golf Course
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 25th April 2003
On 21st and 23st April, a visit to the Emirates Golf Course found the sacred ibis......
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 4th october 2003
On 29th September, ...., a sacred ibis, .... at the Wimpey Pits.
On 3rd October, at Khor Dubai were .... 2 sacred ibis, ....
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 7th november 2003
In Khor Dubai, also on 6th November, .... and a sacred ibis.
Twitchers’ Guide for the United Arab Emirates for the week ending 23rd January 2004
On 19th January, a visit to Khor Dubai found ................ and a sacred ibis.

BTO Research Report No. 229 (feb 2000) Review of the Status of Introduced Non-Native Waterbird Species in the Agreement Area of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement
Research Contract CR0219:

United Arab Emirates
Up to 10 pairs from a total of some 70 birds bred in at least two locations, Al Ain and Sir Bani Yas Island wetlands (Ain Al Fayda) between 1976 and 1991. Initially, the birds had roosted only around a private zoo and had fed at artificially-created shallow ponds. Subsequently, the population increased but slowly. Some birds may have arrived from the drained Iraqi marshes. The species present status is unknown.

Verenigde Staten:

Michel Klemann
Het Zwanevlot 106
7206 CE Zutphen